Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just under 3 weeks to go

Well I thought I'd write my first post so my blog didn't look so empty! I've just sorted through my clothes and have a pile of the first round. Who knows what items will make the final cut though, seeing as I need to fit it all into a bag under 50 lbs!
I'm trying to only think of the good things that this study abroad will bring, because if I think about how much I will miss everyone, I can't function. Not to get too overwhelmed, I will now remind myself that I am going to have a great time, I won't even be able to think about how much I miss everyone for at least three days as I am settling into a completely new environment and then it'll be time to start classes, so really I'm not expecting a crying session for a full week into Spain! Well, maybe one on the plane ride, but that'll probably only be on US territory. Ok well I'm going to admire how my first post looks on my first blog, I'm sure this was a fascinating one for anyone who read it.
Love love


  1. I am sitting here waiting for the first update. As of now you may be almost over the Atlantic. I have snacks and am prepared to wait for you to arrive and blog.

  2. Well, Uncle Bill is here and enjoying your adventure albeit vicariously. Glad everything has gone well. We're all excited about this trip and hope you have a great time.
